New Year New You

Globally and nationally 2023 brought us wars, earthquakes, fires, the Hollywood writer’s strike, AI, a former president indicted, Twitter morphing into X, the George Santos bevy of lies, Damar Hamlin’s collapse, Alec Baldwin’s manslaughter charge, Barbenheimer, and Swelce. Then the year rushed to a close – as per usual – with a mashup of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and New Year’s. I, for one, am exhausted and ready to start 2024 fresh. On the right foot. Clear headed, and with a light heart. Here is a collection of ways you too can start the New Year on the right foot.

Say No to New Year’s Resolutions. Ahhhh, big sigh of relief. It’s like a get out of jail free card. Resolutions are too easy to break and can be overwhelming when you try to do too much too fast, so just say no.

Walk Every Day. Whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour, walking will give you more energy, lower anxiety levels, and lift your spirits. Walking in nature can be spiritual; a time to clear your mind. Walking on a treadmill at home or at the gym can provide you with the opportunity to connect with great music, a best-selling book, self-help guidance, or a trending podcast.

Commit to Eating Healthy. Cut back on ice cream, sweets, carbs, processed foods, and fast foods and your body will thank you. In today’s world we have plenty of healthy food options from the grocery, delivery services, and many places deliver right to your door. A better diet means you can say goodbye to heartburn, fatigue, and tight clothes.

Purge Your Closet. Here’s our post on how to do just that. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, chances are you are done with it. Treat yourself to a new look in the new year with a couple of new pieces that make you feel great when you put them on. Clothing can lift your mood when you put thought and energy into your style. As in, “Giiirl, you look good!”

Clean Out Your Pantry. Here’s some help cleaning your entire kitchen, and reorganizing it too. You may find something hidden in there with a use-by date of 2008 – YIKES! – so a purge will get you not only a clean pantry, but also prevent accidental food poisoning.  It’s a win-win! The general rule of thumb is: if you don’t remember when you bought something, and there’s no date on it, it’s best to toss.

Apologize. Review 2023. Do you owe anyone a heartfelt “I’m sorry”? If not, good for you. But if there is, do it. Don’t start the year with a heavy heart about something you said or did. Having negative things fill your mind makes life uncomfortable, and you may not even know where the discomfort is coming from. Make it right or let it go.

Finish It. Partially completed projects can weigh you down. Make a commitment to finish projects before starting new ones. You can only keep a few big things going on at the same time, and sometimes dealing with just one life-changing project can keep you occupied and overthinking for weeks. So finish at least one project before you start something new.

Plan Your Year. Get out your calendar, block out your vacation, you’re your reservations, book your family gatherings, give some thought to hosting parties, and be sure to put any big events on the calendar, so everyone in the house can see what’s coming up. Having something to look forward to helps make you happier. Not flying by the seat of your pants throughout the year can be so liberating!

Set Goals. I know what you’re thinking, but goals are not necessarily resolutions. Make ‘em simple ones or complex, but give yourself direction and then make a plan. Embrace the power of written goals. Having your goals in writing is so much more effective than those mental notes. You may not follow this road map exactly, but having something to guide you is better than wandering aimlessly. Even if you don’t achieve everything this year (and knowing that just makes you human), the simple knowledge that you are moving your life forward will be empowering.

Discover Your Sweet Spot. Find the place where your talents and passion intersect, and visit and engage in this place frequently. Promise yourself you will do what you love and not put if off because you’re busy working or are involved in the mundane tasks of life.

Be Satisfied. Choose to be content with what you have. Just because some influencer on Instagram suggests you NEED this or that, remember the cycle of “more is never enough” is destructive. Stuff won’t bring you happiness; connections with family and friends, communing with nature, fulfilling your heart by doing the things you love will bring you peace and joy.

In the new year, start off on the right foot with a new you of good habits. We wish each of you absolute success in making 2024 the best year yet with clear heads, loving hearts, and days filled with good health and happiness. Gushy, but we mean it!


Get Moving; Stay Active

Get Moving; Stay Active

Get Moving; Stay Active

Spring is just around the corner! If, like many of us, you made a New Year’s resolution to become more active but found that hard to do in the middle of a cold dark winter, now is the time to jump-start your fitness plans. Getting – and staying – active doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive; more than anything it just takes motivation and perseverance. Here are some ideas to help you incorporate movement into your daily routine.

Remember, every step counts. According to the American Heart Association, a great goal is at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week of moderate intensity activity. Breaking that down a bit, it’s just 30 minutes of brisk walking on at least five days a week. But what if you’re so tight on time that you can’t spare a half hour every day? Then get creative and break up your activity into shorter sessions. For example:

  • In the morning, park or get off the bus/train about 10 minutes away from your job and walk briskly to work.
  • At lunch, walk for 10 minutes around where you work, indoors or outdoors. Recruit a co-worker to two to join you. Time will fly when you’re conversing and can turn your walk into a time you all look forward to; a welcome respite from your busy day.
  • At the end of the day, walk briskly for 10 minutes back to your car or station.

Look for opportunities to reduce sedentary time and to increase active time:

  • Instead of watching TV, take a walk after dinner. Can’t break away from your favorite shows? Get up and move around during the commercial breaks. There are typically 12 minutes of commercials in a one-hour show, so you can get in a 30-minute workout in one evening of binge watching. Just don’t use that time to walk to the fridge.
  • I always used to say, “Great parking means great shopping!” meaning if I got the first or second space closest to the door, I thought I would actually find what I was shopping for or find a great bargain on something I didn’t even know I needed. But that notion has been flipped on its head. Better to choose the parking space farthest from the door whether you’re in the parking lot at work, the grocery store, the mall, or any other pace you visit or run errands. Those extra steps will add up (and the shopping will still be great).
  • Walk away from your desk at work to take a phone call or have a walking meeting with a colleague.
  • Add a stand for your computer that will allow you to stand at your desk. While this isn’t actually moving around, standing is better than sitting. If, unlike me, you have a level of coordination, you could walk in place while you work.

Use your smart phone, a pedometer, or a device like a Fitbit or other wearable fitness tracker to monitor your steps. If you have a competitive bone in your body, you’ll enjoy setting and achieving step goals.

Set aside specific times to make physical activity part of your daily or weekly routine. This diary from the CDC might help. Think about activities and places you enjoy, like morning walks in your neighborhood, or a free online class in the evening. Recruit family and/or friends to help motivate you. I once joined a 6:00AM fitness class with a co-worker and we took turns driving. There was no skipping class because either she was outside my apartment waiting for me or I was outside waiting for her.

Start slowly and work your way up to more physically challenging activities. For many people, walking is a particularly good place to begin. Walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active. With each step you take, you travel further down the path to a healthier lifestyle. Research has shown that walking can have a significant impact on your health by lowering your chances of heart disease.

Get ready to walk!

  • For a morning walk, lay out your walking clothes and shoes the night before and eat a piece of fruit or some yogurt for energy.
  • Listen to music to get you going (just make sure you can hear traffic).
  • If dark, be sure to carry a flashlight or wear reflective clothing.
  • If you like to walk at lunch, keep your walking shoes at work.
  • A great way to pass the time while walking is to listen to a podcast or an audio book.
  • Bring along your pup so you’ll both get a nice workout.

There you have it. Easy ways to get moving, stay fit, and keep those darn New Year’s resolutions.


Resources: CDC, American Heart Association